Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Self Assessment And Providing Evidence Essay - 1752 Words

Step 1and Step 2: Self-Assessment and Providing evidence Instruction. (all artifacts of this domain are saved in a file named â€Å"Instruction†) For â€Å"standards and objectives†, I rated myself 3 as I need to be more aware of connecting lessons to each other. This indicator (Aligns with the InTASC standard 1, learning development, as the teacher designs and implements a lesson that is connected to what students have learned. I rated myself 4 in â€Å"motivating students† because I believe that motivating students affect their learning positively; this indicator aligns with standard 8, instructional strategies, as the teacher uses several strategies to encourage students to learn. Regarding presenting my â€Å"instructional content†, I give myself 3 because I don’t use all the materials used to teach students for a single lesson. I usually utilize the most effective materials or methods with considering the class time; this indicator aligns with standard 8, instructional strategies, because as a teacher, I should present the lesson the way my students understand by utilizing the most positive st rategies for their learning. For â€Å"lesson structure and pacing†, I think I already come to the class preparing what I should give my students and how I move from a part to another smoothly without wasting time on useless topics or actions, so I rate myself 4; this indicator aligns with standard 8, instructional strategies, as the students’ attention should not be distracted from the target lesson,Show MoreRelated1.3 Explain the Responsibilities of the Assessor Essay1126 Words   |  5 Pagesassessor * Carrying out assessments in accordance with EAL assessment specifications and assessment documentation * Ensuring evidence provided by learners is sufficient to meet EAL requirements * Providing feedback to the learner about performance and achievement * Devising and agreeing an assessment action plan with the learner as appropriate * Completing all relevant assessment forms and returning them to the internal quality assurer/Centre Contact * Providing feedback to the internalRead MorePeer and Self Assessment Strategies for University Students1303 Words   |  6 Pages1.0 Introduction The topic of self assessment and peer assessment among university students is fueling a lot of debate from scholars and practitioners in the education specialty. 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