Friday, May 15, 2020

Appealing to Emotion in Advertising - 600 Words

Appealing to Emotion in Advertising Marketing and advertising play a major role in the promotion of companies and products in the United States. Consumers are constantly surrounded by advertisements by means of television and radio commercials, billboards, magazines, and even social media. But how exactly do companies appeal to their consumers? My topic explores the different strategies used to persuade everyday people to use a certain product or service. One of the biggest effective strategies used in advertising is by appealing to the audience’s emotions. I chose to analyze two different sources for my research. The first source is called Emotional Moneymaker: Why Advertisers Need to Appeal to Emotions, and it talks about emotion-based†¦show more content†¦The source uses Ethos because the author is experienced in marketing and consumer relations, as shown in the source. Finally, Pathos is used in the majority of this article because it is talking about how adverti sing has different ways of appealing to the audience’s emotions and how it ultimately affects their decision-making process. The second source, The End Of Rational Vs. Emotional: How Both Logic And Feeling Play Key Roles In Marketing And Decision Making, Douglas Van Praet argues that contrary to the belief that emotional appeal is the best way to persuade an audience, both rational and emotional appeals should be used interchangeably to get the message across. Van Praet suggests that, â€Å"Our critical mind is always looking for evidence to support our beliefs,† in other words, while our feelings do seem to be the root of our decisions, we still make those decisions based on logic and seek rational evidence to support those emotions. This source also reveals that some companies, such as Dyson, base their advertisements solely on factual information. They offer a short and sweet ad to prove their point quickly and effectively, which seems to be a successful route for t he popular company. Logical appeal, or Logos, is primarily used in Praet’s article to show the advantages of intertwining the two appeals, especially with his thorough example of James Dyson’s vacuum company. He also uses Pathos by revealingShow MoreRelatedMarketing And Advertising : A Small Business Owner1030 Words   |  5 PagesAs a small business owner, there are few things as important as your marketing and advertising. Not only is it the way that people come to even know your business exists, but it is your only line of defense getting customers to select and be loyal to your business rather than to your competition. So, needless to say, you want your advertising to be as compelling as it possibly can be. 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