Sunday, February 23, 2020

'All-inclusive resorts can never be reconciled with principles of Essay

'All-inclusive resorts can never be reconciled with principles of sustainability - Essay Example Despite all these, little has been done concerning tourism resorts as a tourism destination, more so the all- inclusive resorts. An important issue for discussion in tourism development has been the sustainability development. However, deeper understanding is given by addressing the concepts of demand and supply in relation to market conditions. The key issues associated with sustainable tourism are the achievement of social inclusion, effectual environmental protection, and reliable economic development. These are yet to be seen if achievable with the all-inclusive resorts. Many have had to look for ways of encouraging and enhancing international diffusion, as well as knowledge exchange. This has to do with the volatile nature of tourism as a business; the reason for this dynamism is political instability and fluctuation of currency (Nagle, 1999). This paper also discusses the key issues facing the industry, the main challenge being globalisation. Tourism as a business entity responds to globalisation by creating alliances and collaborations. The public sector is mostly concerned to provide protection to small businesses that face the challenge of globalisation. It has to be acknowledged that the tourism industry has not been embracing the advantages of the knowledge economy, especially by utilising management practices and increasing competition through innovation and development of new products. A well networked tourism industry incorporates adequate knowledge of globalisation and economy. By so doing, the industry benefits from global trends. Network developments can be used to see the weak points in the industry by examining destination and tourism. Anon (2011) identifies that â€Å"embeddedness within networks is identified as a key strategy for survival for contemporary tourism businesses† (p. 261). The concept of tourism sustainability began in late 20th century when the tourism industry turned green (Swarbrooke, 1999). The aim was to have

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Environmentally Susutanable Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Environmentally Susutanable Business - Essay Example The companies of one country are successfully involved in trade relations with other countries. Also, many of the countries are having their production units in many parts of the world, making them truly multi – national corporations. The one major aspect of the tremendously competitive business world of today has been the flow of information. It is perceived that the right information in the right moment can do the trick. Also, the reach of the end customers have increased by great extent, thanks to the modern methods of communication like that of internet and cellular phones. Analysing the above facts, it can be well accepted that the commercial fraternity across the globe has been experiencing terrific competition like never before. Apart from the core competencies, the companies are always looking for the extra edge that could gain them the advantage. The companies of modern world are no more focusing on increasing only the shareholders’ value. Rather, the concept in contention today is the enhancement of stake holder’s value. Almost all of the major corporate houses are emphasising to create value for all the stake holders namely the customers, the suppliers, the employees, the regulators, the financial institutions and even for the media along with the true owners i.e. the shareholders. The companies are focusing more on sustainable and long term development. It is well accepted today that only those companies that bank upon sustainable development could exist amidst the turbulent times of today. Royal Dutch Shell, popularly known as Shell, has been one of the leading energy and the petro - chemical producing companies of the world. The company aims to meet the energy requirements of the society without compromising the economic, social and environmental factors. The group recognises the fact that resources are scarce and therefore employs every possible measure to use the resources in the best possible