Friday, December 27, 2019

Rebecca Clarke s `` Cinderella No More `` - 3827 Words

I decided to choose a theme for my final paper which will be related to my instrument-viola. I choose Rebecca Clarke , probably the most prominent women-composer who wrote for viola. Most of Clarke’s compositions were written in the first three decades of the twentieth century, her works was largely unknown until the 1970th. Such is the curiously small impact she made as a composer in England in her life time that the first edition of Lionel Turtis’s book â€Å"Cinderella no more† doesn’t mention her viola Sonata, even though now violist from all over the world would regard it as one of the principal works for the instrument of its era. This seems very interesting to me and I will discuss why it happened and why women-composers had no space in the professional society of that time. Also, I will talk about Rebecca Clarke as one of the firs women who broke the rules in a male-dominated musical world ( she became one of the first female professional music ian in the orchestra). Interest in her writing has grown a lot recently and many of her works entered the standard viola repertoire. Because she wrote during the time of first feminist wave in England and her rediscovering overlaps with the second-wave feminism in America musicologist mainly discuss her personality and her compositions in the implications of gender on analysis. I will discuss her Viola Sonata considering this recent feminist theory of gender and I will write about her personality as a composer and a performer,

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Cask of Amontillado is a Confession Written by Montreso

A Study of The Cask of Amontillado A Summary of the Story â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,† is a confession written by Montresor, who clearly states that the antagonist, Fortunato, has irreparably insulted him. Poe makes it clear that Montresor has been insulted, however, he never reveals what Fortunato has don to insult him. Montresor seeks to uphold his family’s motto, â€Å"Nemo me impune lacessit, which translates to, No one insults me with impunity. Montresor is under the impression that he must not only make Fortunato realize his wrong doings, but that he must also punish the guilty with impunity. Montresor uses his knowledge of Fortunato to lure him into his trap. He tells Fortunato that he bought a cask of Amontillado and that Luchesi, a man who Fortunato is not fond of, is going to taste test the wine for him. This hurts Fortunato’s pride, which is made obvious when he repetitively states that Luchesi cannot tell the difference between Amontillado and Sherry. Fortunato predictably insists on tasting the Amontillado rather than allowing Luchesi to do so in order to prove how useful and important he is. Montresor leads him into the catacombs where he claims the Amontillado is being stored. Montresor lures Fortunato further and further into the catacombs by using reverse psychology. Montresor insists that they must turn around or else Fortunato will become sick from the nitre on the walls, which causes Fortunato to obsess over tasting the wine himself. While walking

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Dont Get Me Started on... free essay sample

Don’t get me started on siblings. Everyone who has a sibling knows that they are the most irritating thing in the world. I mean who could blame me for thinking this seen as I am the second eldest of four, with two younger sisters and an older brother. Despite having 3 siblings I actually feel the pain of all those middle children out there as for ten years of my life, I myself was one of you. Yes, that does mean I know how it feels to be left out of ‘The Cool Club. ’ When we were growing up I was simply too smelly, too stupid and just too uncool to do anything but watch as my brother and sister have fun without me. Once the youngest came along things changed, but sadly not in the ways I had hoped. I really bloody hate it when my sisters take my stuff and don’t put it back. We will write a custom essay sample on Dont Get Me Started on or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My clothes are conveniently ‘getting lost’ in the wash and in a moment of complete idiocy my sisters ‘mistake’ my clothes for theirs. Despite my things being at least two sizes too big. When I finally get my clothes back from the sticky paws they are covered in stains and are completely ruined. I swear my sisters are secret agents sent to seek and destroy anything that will make me even the remotest bit attractive to the opposite sex. Being one of the eldest means that one mum is out I am in charge. However, even this slight perk is destroyed by my obnoxious little sisters. It’s as if they know my destruct code and they don’t mind giving it a test run. Whenever I tell them to do something the usual reactions I get are them pretending they didn’t hear me, they need to go to the toilet or they are suddenly overcome with the inability to use their limbs. They know this infuriates me and so when I ask them My older brother seems to think it is his place to scare of all potential suitors by being a total jack ass and threatening to hurt them if they even lay a single finger on my pretty little head. This wouldn’t be so bad if it was a possibility but alas my brother is no King Kong, in fact he is barely a Tom Thumb. My brother knows everyone. He could be a celebrity he knows that many people. It may appear to be harmless but believe me its bloody irritating. Imagine everywhere you go, no matter where it is, someone, somehow knows one of your siblings. How would you like it? I swear I get approached by complete strangers asking the obvious: ‘Are you Boon’s sister? ‘You are, aren’t you? Man you guys look identical’. NO, of course I’m not. I just had surgery to make myself look like him in every way. Honestly the stupidity of some people. At that point I am part of an analytical comparison essay where total strangers are mentally weighing up who is cooler and cuter. Sometimes I wish it was me. As much as we all may love our brothers and sisters, we still can’t help but find them infuriating from time to time. Or at least I can’t anyway

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The World Is Forever In Debt To China For Its Innovations. Essays

The World is forever in debt to China for its innovations. Ancient China was extreme advance and many of its discoveries are still in use today. This is what Robert Temple, the author of The Genius of China 3000 years of science, discovery and invention. The book is based on 11 main parts of Chinese innovation. Within these 11 categories, there are 3 main parts that contain the most significant inventions. Robert Temple concentrates the bulk of his examples in these three categories, agriculture, domestic and industrial technology , and engineering. Temples examples were not limited to these fields of innovation. The Chinese excelled in many other areas, including mathematics, warfare and transportation, to name a few. Although Temple wrote about eleven fields of invention, I feel that these three sections contain the greatest examples of Chinese innovation, and the debt that the modern world owes China. The first main area is the field of engineering. Within this chapter, the development of iron and steel is the greatest achievement. The development of iron and steel led to other advances. By at least the 4th century the Chinese have developed blast furnaces to obtain cast iron from iron ore. This was 1200 years before the first blast furnace showed up in Europe. The reasons that the author gave to explain the reasons why the Chinese developed this technology are simple. The Chinese had access to large amounts of clay, the key ingredient in making blast furnaces. The Chinese also figured out that by adding a substance they called Black Earth, they could lower the melting point of iron. Another major invention of the Chinese, that led to other achievements, is steel. The common belief today is that Henry Bessemer discovered the process of refining iron into steel. The fact is Chinese had developed the process to refine iron into steel in the second century BC The Chinese learned that by injecting oxygen into the blast furnace, they could remove the carbon from the iron. The Chinese called this process the hundred refinings method since they repeated the process that many times. The finished product was highly prized in China for its strength and ability to hold an edge on a sword. The Chinese would weld the steel onto weaker iron thus creating a strong edge and a superior weapon. The Chinese iron and steel workers were the best at making different types of metals into modern times. But then, no one else could have done so at the time, since iron existed nowhere else but in China. The Chinese invented the chain pump in the first century AD The chain pump allows water to the pumped from lower to higher elevations. The chain pumps were used for draining and pumping in civil engineering, but what is more important is it was used for irrigation. Irrigation allows for greater and more intense farming, thus resulting in a better crop yield. With the greater crop yields larger populations can be supported. The chain pump was exported to all parts of the world by way of visiting ambassadors and dignitaries. The first European chain pump appeared in the sixteenth century, and was a direct copy of the Chinese version. The second area of great Chinese achievement is in domestic and industrial technology. The most recognized Chinese invention is in the field of domestic and industrial technology, paper. Paper was invented around the second century BC and was used as clothing. One might not believe that paper could be used as clothing, but the paper made at that time used thicker and tougher paper fibers. Not only was paper used for clothing, it was also used for military body armor. The Chinese found out that pleated sheets of paper could stop the penetration of arrows. The paper armor was standard issue with Chinese land and sea units. Papers writing property was not discovered till about one century after its discovery. The earliest example of writing on paper was found an abandon military post. The paper found dates back to 110 AD and contained two dozen readable characters. The area that let China grow and expand was the innovations in the area of agriculture. The greatest achievement in the field of agriculture is row cultivation and intensive hoeing. In Europe, as with the rest of the world, they practiced scatter seed farming. Scatter seed farming is the practice of throwing the seed onto the fields at random. By throwing the seed randomly, half the seeds would not grow and make it impossible to weed the field. The Chinese on the other hand, planted individual seeds and